Welcome to Ora et Labora

Home of Latina Rosarii,

the Latin Primer for the Reluctant.

We provide resources for the prayerful and effective study of Latin. Our products are marked by simplicity and fidelity to tradition and are suitable both for home-educators and for adult Catholics who are motivated to study on their own.

About Latina Rosarii

Many traditional Catholics want to learn Latin but are overwhelmed by the huge vocabulary and by the unfamiliar grammar concepts. It is common to hear of students starting a new course, only to abandon it once the initial enthusiasm wanes.

Latina Rosarii integrates the study of Latin with the student's prayer life. The text takes the prayers of the Rosary and Angelus and works with this limited vocabulary to teach the basics of Latin grammar: conjugations, declensions, tenses, mood and voice.

A review of English grammar ensures that students have a firm grasp of their own language before proceeding on to Latin. The course is perfect for older students for whom this may be the first (or only) exposure to the study of Latin.

Latina Rosarii is available in two formats: as digital texts which can be downloaded and printed, or as a complete video course.